Pedro: I-90 goes directly through Cleveland (including a doozy of a 35-mph right turn at Lake Erie). If it's a convenient place to stop on your way back, give me a call. I know all the best places to eat around here. :-) At home, 216/486-5932; at work, 216/995-2530. (Oh, and stop making me jump through hoops to read your plan!)

Seth: Of course you may cite me, if you think there's anything worth citing me for!

Noteworthy is setting a world record for Speed Of Turning Into An Ordinary Large Company. A few weeks ago they moved a guy from another part of the company to manager of Development. He's an MBA in all the stereotypical ways, including being an asshole.

Six months ago, when I got here, Noteworthy was a really fun place to be: smart people everywhere, a freewheeling environment, and lots to learn. Now there are more suits than brains, more process than people. I'm thinking about quitting.

When I was 7, my mom brought home our first computer: a Macintosh Plus (”One Full Megabyte of Memory”). I'd used Apple ]['s at school, I'd seen Commodores and PeeCees at friends' houses, but never had I encountered a computer so carefully designed for use by human beings. I was seven years old; I had never thought about having a job before, or truly understood what it meant; but I knew immediately that I wanted to work for Apple someday.

That day may come soon.

Emily: Why, Cleveland rocks, of course! Actually, it's just sort of comfortably familiar. There's plenty of Ultimate around here (I played summer league, and the place where we play indoors in the winter is 5 minutes from home), but I've decided to take a hiatus and rest my poor achy feet and ankles.