After a thorough regimen of doing things at the last minute and not sleeping much, including the intercontinental flight, I've arrived safely in what could generously be construed as Europe.

Of course, the U.K. considers itself separate from “the continent”, and Ireland in turn considers itself separate from the U.K. (the latter claim rather more demonstrably true, though far be it from me to impugn the veracity of the former). Regardless, it's a short flight tomorrow from here to London Stansted, and another nearly-as-short flight from there to Prague.

It would seem that I write a lower percentage of simple, declarative sentences when I'm not well rested. This will not be rectified forthwith. Instead, even though it's 9:15 PM on Wednesday, I've already had a full day in Dublin, and my last full night's rest was Sunday, I think I'll go to one more pub — something on Leeson St., as has been recommended to me.

Yes, I've already been to a few! Sparky is my gracious host, and I happen to be visiting concomitantly with her parents, who've generously taken me out for lunch, a drink, a very funny student-written and -produced play, and another drink before parting ways for dinner. Also there's been much walking around on this unseasonably warm and sunny day: Iveagh Gardens, the campus of Trinity College, crossing the river Liffey to see the famous historic post office and the famously late and over-budget Millennium Spike. Walking across the bridge, we spotted two normal-looking young guys sitting on a pink loveseat right in the middle. On the sidewalk, of course — they weren't stupid!

The Smithwick's here is darker and much better than that which Danny and I had at the Irish pub in Vancouver. That one was golden and had a metallic finish. Despite my curiosity, or rather because of it, I've carefully avoided having a locally poured Guinness, in order to ensure that I plan my return trip through Ireland with sufficient time to tour the brewery.

I'm off to Leeson for a bit, then back to Sparky's, where I expect to sleep terrifically soundly. See you in Prague!