Narrowed down my SSH problem: installing OpenBSD 2.6, which didn't support IPv6 or SSH2, didn't fix it. Removing the uplink from the LinkSys router and inserting it directly into my machine didn't fix it. Damn.

Booted the OpenBSD floppy, got network up, downloaded and wrote the 7 Debian floppy images, booted and installed Debian. It supported the network card. But I couldn't figure out how to get SSH installed easily. Too many packages, not enough of them installed. Gave up on Debian. It's the nicest Linux I've yet used, but I still don't like it.

With a little diddling in the kernel debugger, NetBSD detects the network card. This allowed me to install, grab the source, and recompile the kernel to not need diddling.

I stayed late and fixed our sendmail configuration. I'm not sure how I feel about ORBS, self-styled Internet mail server vigilantes.