New guy! And he is a programmer! Brendan is an intern, almost finished at BU, and I'll be working with him on lots of projects.

I drilled Yahoo's Yellow Pages and maps for Thai restaurants near the office. I found one, and was going to attempt to find it on foot, but instead took the easy way out and followed Chris and Brendan to Souper Salad and got a Thai Chicken wrap. It was mediocre. Next time I'll aspire to explore.

I posted results from the Jolt's quick poll about common nuisances. There were some pretty funny responses, and I like to think I added some humor value by categorizing them. My favorite category was “Things We Don't Completely Understand, But Remind Us Of The Importance Of Taking Our Prescription Medication”. If not the exact words of one Dave Barry, they are obesely influenced by him. Dave Barry is funny.

Mike showed me more details of school-related databastacularity and how to set up forums. The disk on the primary server ran out of space again. Coupled with spotty connectivity, we had a lot of trouble clearing off space.

After moving briskly through South Station toward the Red Line, a woman in front of me gradually took her position in the middle of the stairs down to the platform. I slowed down to gauge which side she would move to. She didn't. Once I determined that she was not going to, I dashed around her down to the platform, where a train was standing, about to leave. And I missed it by the amount of my delay in circumnavigating this woman.

When I sat down at a bench, stewing, she sat on the other end and remarked “We just missed it, eh?” Yeah, lady, we sure did. Hmph. It took a good ten minutes for the next one, during which all I could do was glance at my watch and think about the changeover to the Green Line, and how I'd have to wait for a train there too, and how I might not get to Newton Highlands in time to catch the last bus, and then — oh my! — I'd have to walk some. (Mitigating circumstance, so that you might have some mercy for my lazy ass: I really had to pee.) So I was bothered, sitting on the bench in South Station when I could be holding on for dear life in a packed subway train, and I kept glancing at my watch.

Turns out I got to the bus in time, and on top of that, the bus was even generously imprecise and came a few minutes later. No problem. The moral of the story? I can think of two: don't wear a damn watch, and be sure to pee before beginning a journey of any length.